Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are you wearing Green??

Are you wearing Green???  
well I had to ask! I got some green shirts..I think! I will have to look, being that I lost some weight..I don't know whats left in my closet! Though as a scrapper and being crafty, I might have to make something, better yet..I could pin the invitations that I am working on..One of them on me..hehehehe. With warm weather and fresh air that comes with it..I am so excited. So guessing its time to take the snowmen down and pack them away =( I love my snowmen..but thats okay..I have been pretty busy making baby shower invitations..I am hosting a baby shower for my daughter who is here from Washington State..she is staying here until after the baby is born..woohoo. I am on a roll, but now to cut and mat and cut and adhere more..with ribbon..paper, and more!! 

The process has been a good one, after getting the printer issue straight with ink cartridge. I had ordered Stampin Up Card Stock for this! Printed Winnie the Pooh and cutting them down, had ribbon to match! typed up what I wanted everything to say and printed it out on the cardstock "bashful blue", Certain Celery for green and Soft Suede for the brown. Hand wrote the "sweet as honey"...I am excited! These will be done very soon and in the mail soon after. Anything for my baby girl's baby shower. 

While baby shower is being planned, I am also looking forward to starting the tea pot album. I have ordered some fascinating finds online, some flowers I found at Michaels, and putting my thoughts into this as a fun way to cherish that memory of a tea party with the gals, your granddaughter, your daughter..your sister..whomever. This album is waiting on the awesome finds and then will be put into action. This class, the first one will be set to Craftopia, held at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in May. You will see pictures when the album goes into "production". 
Other crafting news..did you know what my favorite trimmer is?..well let me tell you about two of those..first being, my Pink Cutterpede that I have had for years. I love it..always use it! I just ordered replacement channels online for it and found the shuttle blade for it at AC Moores..for $1.99 each. I always go back to this particular trimmer because I can count on it! The second was my Making Memories Trimmer..this one I used for multiple cutting..putting kits together etc. Only to have the blade die on me..which its a self sharpening blade. However, I have done some serious cutting with this baby! Well I had been debating on buying another..or a refill blade..then I find..the ultimate one for MEEE...Making Memories has a PINK one just like it! Oh my..ya know how hard that is to find out Michaels nor AC Moores have it! So I am on the look, best bet to use a 50% off coupon, if I can find one and a coupon for wherever I find it at..did that make any sense..LOL..oh well..its late and I need to go to bed! I just had to share with you what I am working on..and I am so excited!! 
Have a fabulous St Patricks Day...

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